Introduction Marketing has always been about communicating your brand message to the right audience in the most effective way possible. In a digitally trans- formed world, that means understanding your audience and devising plans that are tailored to their specific needs. How can you drive traffic that con- verts, advertise that sells, and execute marketing strategies that give you a competitive edge over the rest? The answer to all these important ques- tions fundamentally lies in your ability to make use of data. In the online realm where platforms, touchpoints, and trends are constantly changing, data is your North Star. And if you are the forward-thinking brand that puts market intelligence at the heart every strategy it devises, you can as well lead the pack. This 2019 guide analyzes the current state of the global healthcare sector. From exploring the key trends in advertising to analyzing user behavior to highlighting the key issues that are impacting the way healthcare con- sumers and search engines view websites, the study provides a compre- hensive review of everything relevant to marketers, business owners, and strategy makers in the global healthcare space. It also includes important suggestions to help these individuals refine their strategies and get ready for the future. As you go along, we hope that you find the insights provided in our research useful in helping you formulate effective strategies for your healthcare business in 2019 and beyond. INTRO

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